The Pokemon GO community is known for being incredibly inventive. Whether they find a new way to move around without walking through spoofing or creating a market for purchasing Pokemon, the community always seems to find a new way to make the game easier for themselves. Enter the new Shiny Scanner.
Given how Niantic currently handles its encounters with Shiny Pokemon, many players seem unhappy with the game's current interface. To remedy these shortcomings many players face in Pokemon GO, some players seek help from various applications.
Pokemod, a commonly used app by Pokemon GO players, has released a new add-on for the game known as the Shiny Scanner. For players fortunate enough to access it, this new add-on is a complete game-changer. But what exactly is this new feature, and how can players access it?
Shiny Scanners in Pokemon GO: Gimmick or must-have?
The newest feature added to the Pokemod application has many players excited for the future of Niantic's mobile game. The various services offered by the application range from hacks like location spoofing to small extensions to make the player's life easier, like showing the IVs of any Pokemon the player encounters.
The new Shiny Scanner feature adds an imperative detail to Pokemon GO. Despite what some players may believe, it does not change the chances for Pokemon to appear shiny. Instead, the Shiny Scanner function makes Shiny Pokemon appear when they spawn on the map.
The mod is currently available for Android devices and does not work on iPhones. Installing this mod can be complicated for some users, as it requires the device to be rooted. While this can be a complicated process for inexperienced users, various tutorials exist on YouTube and other websites.
While the Shiny Scanner is great for finding Shiny Pokemon in the mobile game, its utility does not stop there. Pokemod's Shiny Scanner feature can also help players detect Ditto on the map. Ditto is a notoriously tricky Pokemon to find in a mobile game, thanks to its gimmick of appearing like other Pokemon on the map.
While the Shiny Scanner is an excellent addition to any avid player, Pokemod offers other great features for players. Pokemod provides a feature that allows players to automatically transfer Pokemon upon capture. However, since the mod offers cheats like spoofing and perfect catching, players must use it with caution.
The Pokemon GO community never disappoints when it comes to new ways to make the game more convenient. The team at Pokemod are some of the most notable and reliable modders in the community. When mentioning modding the successful mobile game, they are often the first ones players think of when it comes to modding.
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