Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Online issued The Last Dose update on March 16, 2023, drawing fans to their gaming consoles and PCs in large numbers. We embarked on a quest to end the Los Santos Drug Wars through five thrilling and challenging missions. The final mission of the DLC update, BDKD, was a high-octane pursuit as players trailed Dr. Isiah Friedlander's cargo jet in the Velum.
While Friedlander vanished as quickly as he returned to the franchise, we were left at the pinnacle of the psychedelics trade in Los Santos. If players want to replicate the exhilaration of the climactic Last Dose mission, here are five of the fastest planes in the game since the current update based on their top speed.
NX-25, Molotok, and other fastest planes in GTA Online since The Last Dose update
5) NX-25
Buckingham Howard NX-25 is an armored plane added to GTA Online via the Smuggler's run update in September 2017. It is based on the real-life Hughes H-1 Racer and can only seat one person.
The Howard NX-25 clocks in at a top speed of 203.75 mph or 327.90 km/h and can be purchased for $1,296,750 from Elitas Travel. There is also the availability of a Trade Price of $975,000 on completing 27 Air Freight Cargo missions.
4) Molotok
The V-65 Molotok is an armored and weaponized plane in GTA Online that was added to the game via a 2017 update. It is based on the real-life MiG-15 and MiG-17 and can only house the pilot.
The top speed of the V-65 Molotok has been recorded as 207.75 mph or 334.34 km/h and has a massive price tag of $4,788,000 at Warstock Cache & Carry; however, there is also a Trade Price of $3,600,000 available once a player has completed 18 Air Freight Cargo missions.
3) Hydra
The Mammoth Hydra is another armored and weaponized plane available in GTA Online since the Heists DLC update in 2015. It is inspired by the British Aerospace Harrier II, F-35 Lightning II, and McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II.
The Hydra has a top speed of 209.25 mph or 336.75 km/h and can be bought from Warstock Cache & Carry for $3,990,000. Upon completing the Humane Raid - EMP mission, its Trade Price of $3,000,000 gets unlocked.
2) Rogue
Western Company Rogue is the penultimate entry on this list. It is a weaponized and armored plane brought to GTA Online via the Smuggler's Run update in 2017 and can house two people. The inspirations for this aircraft are the real-life planes Beechcraft T-6 Texan II, Embraer EMB 312 Tucano, and Pilatus PC-21.
With a top speed of 219.50 mph or 353.25 km/h, it is one of the fastest vehicles in the game. The Western Company Rogue can be purchased for $1,596,000 from Warstock Cache & Carry, and upon completing 6 Air Freight Cargo missions, its Trade Price of $1,200,000 gets unlocked.
1) Pyro
The Buckingham Pyro is an armored and weaponized aircraft that can seat two people. The real-life De Havilland Vampire inspires the design for the Pyro in GTA Online. It was also added to the game in 2017 under the Smuggler's Run update.
The Buckingham Pyro is the fastest aircraft in the game, clocking in at a blinding top speed of 222.75 mph or 358.48 km/h, and is available from Warstock Cache & Carry for $4,455,500. A Trade Price of $3,350,000 is available once a player completes 33 Air Freight Cargo missions.
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