Secrets Uncovered-Where is Becky Bryan now?

In May 2013, Becky Bryan, 54, was found guilty of first-degree murder in her husband Keith Bryan's murder case. Keith was 52-years-old and the Chief of the Nichols Hills Fire Department when he was fatally shot in the head inside the couple's Mustang, Oklahoma home in September 2011. He was rushed to a hospital where

In May 2013, Becky Bryan, 54, was found guilty of first-degree murder in her husband Keith Bryan's murder case. Keith was 52-years-old and the Chief of the Nichols Hills Fire Department when he was fatally shot in the head inside the couple's Mustang, Oklahoma home in September 2011. He was rushed to a hospital where he died the following day.

Initially, Becky alleged that a male intruder was behind the shooting. However, when the man she was allegedly having an affair with tipped the authorities about her strange behavior, their focus shifted to her. Authorities also found the murder weapon in Becky Bryan's home, along with other incriminating evidence, and eventually charged her with murder.

Becky Bryan was eventually convicted and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Sources state that she is currently serving time at the Mabel Bassett Correctional Center in McLoud, Oklahoma.

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered's upcoming episode, titled Mystery in Mustang, will chronicle the case of Keith Bryan. The episode will re-air on Oxygen this Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 10 PM ET.

Becky Bryan, now convicted in husband's 2011 murder case, was the first person to make the 911 call

Becky Bryan, who maintains her innocence, is currently serving a life term in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder of her husband, the late Nichols Hills Fire Chief, Keith Bryan, in September 2011. It was alleged that after shooting him fatally, she made a 911 call as a grieving wife, claiming that an intruder had shot Keith, and making it seem like a crime motivated by revenge.

Investigators found it difficult to believe the account offered by Becky. She claimed that Keith was shot in the head by a 25 or 26-year-old male who entered their house through an unlocked garage. Becky further added that the intruder mentioned Keith's failure to employ him for the fire department and even apologized for his actions. However, the fire department had no openings for years.

Becky soon became the main suspect in the case once the murder weapon was discovered in the washing machine. It was later alleged that she shot her husband in the head with her own revolver as he watched TV while sitting casually on a couch, in order to:

"Free herself from the confines of her marriage."

Moreover, a man named Mark Holbrook from Hugo tipped authorities about his affair with Becky Bryan, which ended earlier in 2010 owing to her manipulative nature. She was apparently not yet over the affair and allegedly stalked Holbrook and made multiple attempts at winning him back. In fact, Becky even faked a pregnancy and left lengthy messages.

During the trial, the former lover testified that she left a voice mail for him hours before the shooting, expressing her love for him. She also mentioned expecting a sizable inheritance, and was considering purchasing a house in Hugo to be close to him.

In an interesting turn of events, another man stepped up, alleging that she had s*x with him on the day of the shooting at his house in McLoud. Additional information alleged that after the shooting, she showed friends a picture of the man's p*nis as they were heading to the hospital. One of her friends even testified claiming that she confessed to having s*x with a man four days before the shooting.

How was Becky Bryan found guilty and where is she now?

Jurors were persuaded by the evidence - that included her Ruger .380 LCP pistol - found in the dryer in her utility room that her account of Keith being shot by an intruder was a lie. The objects discovered in the dryer included a left-handed rubber glove, a shell casing, a gun that was consistent with the bullet that killed the victim, and a blanket covered with a bullet hole.

According to The Oklahoman, Assistant District Attorney Paul Hesse asked in court,

"If this person immediately after shooting Keith Bryan departed the house out the garage door, how could they have deposited that gun, the blanket and the casing in the dryer without the defendant knowing about it?"

The prosecution rejected Becky Bryan's assertion of an intruder. The murder weapon was located in the dryer and was recognized as Becky's when the serial numbers on the weapon and gun box under her mattress matched. According to authorities, she shot Keith while concealing the weapon with a blanket. Her DNA was also found on the latex glove.

In May 2013, after nearly four hours of deliberation, the jury found Becky Bryan guilty of murdering her husband and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole by July. Records show that Becky is currently being held at the Mabel Bassett Correctional Facility in McLoud.

Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered will air with the murder case on December 13, 2022, at 10 pm ET.

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