How to pronounce caracal

What does Caracal mean?

: a long-legged reddish-brown nocturnal cat (Felis caracal synonym Lynx caracal) of savannas in Africa and parts of Asia that has long pointed ears with a tuft of black hairs at the tip.

What is the difference between a caracal and a lynx?

The caracal is often confused with a lynx, as both cats have tufted ears. However, a notable point of difference between the two is that Lynx species are spotted and blotched, while the caracal shows no such markings on the coat.

How is Caracal pronounced?

Is caracal a pet?

Caracals need to be declawed before they are legal to keep as pets. They are also only cute cuddly cubs for so long. Soon enough, they will be over a meter long, and spraying. You will need to bring a veterinarian on board who is willing to take care of your wild cat.

