How many children does Tiger Woods ex-wife have?

Tiger Woods' ex-wife Elin Nordegren is a mother of four beautiful kids. The former Spanish model welcomed two kids with legendary golfer Tiger Woods and two with her partner Jordan Cameron. After her split with the golfer, Nordegren went ahead and dated Chris Cline. Unfortunately, their relationship did not last for long, and she started

Tiger Woods' ex-wife Elin Nordegren is a mother of four beautiful kids. The former Spanish model welcomed two kids with legendary golfer Tiger Woods and two with her partner Jordan Cameron.

After her split with the golfer, Nordegren went ahead and dated Chris Cline. Unfortunately, their relationship did not last for long, and she started dating the former National Football League player, Jordan Cameron.

Elin Nordegren announced in 2019 that she was expecting her first child with Cameron. She gave birth to a baby boy in October 2019. In December 2022, she welcomed her fourth baby.

Nordegren is the mother of Tiger Woods' two beautiful kids. Elin and Woods welcomed their first child, a beautiful daughter, Sam Alexis Woods, in 2007. Two years later, she gave birth to their son, Charlie.

The couple split their ways after the golf legend was caught cheating on her. Although they moved ahead with their lives, they are on good terms and share a very strong bond.

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren have mutual custody of their kids and are happily co-parenting them. Charlie shares a very strong bond with his dad.

Tiger Woods congratulated Elin Nordegren on the birth of her fourth child

Woods and Nordegren are good friends. She gave birth to her fourth baby in December 2022 when Woods was competing at the PNC Championship alongside his son Charlie Woods.

According to sports journalist Jason Sobel, before the start of the tournament, Tiger and Charlie congratulated Elin on national television. He asked NBC to install a camera on the first hole and after they hit their first tee, he congratulated her.

The journalist tweeted:

"Before the round started, Tiger asked NBC/Peacock to have a camera by the first tee. After he and Charlie hit their tee shots, they looked into the camera and congratulated Elin, Tiger's ex-wife and Charlie's mom. She gave birth to a baby this past Thursday."

After his cheating scandal went viral, Tiger Woods apologized to his wife publicly. He tried his best to save their marriage. Woods even announced an undefined break from the game. Despite his countless efforts, they ended up splitting ways.

Over the years, Tiger Woods has tried his best to rekindle his romance with Elin Nordegren. According to Fox Australia, he tried to remarry her. An article published by the outlet claimed:

"Woods wants to remarry Nordegren, and he's offering a huge chunk of change to get her back."

Tiger Woods has not even married since his divorce from Nordegren. However, he moved on in life and started dating Erica Herman in 2017. But the couple called it quits a few months back.

Most recently, Herman sued the golfer for tricking her out of his mansion after she left for a short vacation. She asked the court to nullify an NDA signed by her in 2017, as she wanted to share more details about her dating life.

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