Late WWE legend Eddie Guerrero has worked on some fascinating storylines during his time with the company. Some felt extremely real, to the point where fans lost the line dividing kayfabe from reality.
In 2004, Eddie Guerrero worked on a storyline involving others such as JBL, The Dudley Boyz, Rey Mysterio, and Rob Van Dam. On an episode of SmackDown that aired on May 20, 2004, a six-man tag team match took place between Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and Rob Van Dam vs. The Dudley Boyz & JBL. Toward the end of the match, Eddie Guerrero took down D-Von Dudley with his signature move, Three Amigos.
While celebrating Dudley’s downfall, Guerrero suffered a heart attack in the ring. He collapsed on the ring floor while everyone watched. JBL took advantage of the situation when D-Von Dudley tagged him in and pinned Guerrero for the win. It must be noted that Guerrero’s in-ring collapse during the SmackDown episode was completely scripted. It did not happen in real life! The collapse was a follow-up to the storyline where he lost a significant amount of blood while defending the WWE Title against JBL at Judgment Day a couple of days earlier.
The excessive blood loss weakened Guerrero as he collapsed in the ring. This was utterly kayfabe. The collapse had nothing to do with how the pro wrestling legend passed away.
Furthermore, if it were a heart attack, WWE wouldn’t have continued to air the segment.
How did Eddie Guerrero pass away?
The late WWE Hall of Famer passed away on November 13, 2005. His last match was on SmackDown on November 11 that year. His nephew, Chavo Guerrero Jr., found Eddie in an extremely unstable and unconscious state at the Marriott Hotel City Center in Minneapolis.
The Latino Heat’s autopsy revealed the reason behind his untimely passing. Reportedly, he passed away from acute heart failure resulting from atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
His untimely and tragic death shocked the entire pro wrestling industry. Even to this day, he is considered one of the most renowned performers to have ever set foot in the industry. Many present-day stars cite Eddie as their inspiration.
The Latino Heat was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2006.
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