Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow is currently the talk of the NFL after advancing to the Super Bowl in his second season. The 25-year-old has blossomed into a superstar throughout this season. When that happens, old social media posts are always bound to resurface.
In Burrow's case, his old tweets are from 2017 when he was a sophomore at Ohio State University. Burrow fired off a flurry of his thoughts on Twitter involving the capitalist economic system.
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Whenever economic system debates are involved, it's bound to lead to disagreements. However, in the case of Bobby Wagner, he sides heavily with Burrow. The Seattle Seahawks linebacker went so far as to say, "he's the one."
One fan called Joe Burrow an anti-capitalist king for his remarks in 2017. Burrow's charisma and intangibles speak to people, which is why many agree with him.
A fan that Burrow's message spoke to took to Twitter to say they've been converted to being a Bengals fan, thanks to the former National Champion.
It wasn't all love for Burrow's anti-capitalist remarks, however. His political views have been taken as being socialist by some fans. Despite the tweets being from five years ago, one fan, in particular, tweeted at Burrow, saying his remarks weren't going to get him cheered by fans.
Rather than taking an extreme side, one fan took to Twitter to bring up an unbiased point. They offered a take that, just because Burrow mentioned negative aspects of capitalism, doesn't make him anti-capitalist.
That was a logical and sensible remark, given the freedom of speech America has granted in its constitution.
Some fans argued that Joe Burrow's take was in favor of capitalism.
Not everyone wanted to make this a serious debate. One social media user asked why Burrow is being labeled anti-capitalist just for discussing the economic system.
Another person didn't care which side they or Burrow sided on in this debate. They were just amazed that this discussion was even happening. That shows how much of a national story the Bengals and Burrow have become.
Finally, another user on Twitter sided with the neutralists. They're in the belief that he was raising a question, not proclaiming his side.
Joe Burrow's stardom is increasing by the day
With each passing day, his stardom continues to rise. After tearing his ACL in his rookie season, he had a spectacular comeback season.
While the Bengals fell to the Rams in the Super Bowl and failed to reach the Super Bowl this past year as well, Cincinnati loaded up for the 2023 NFL season.
Burrow also signed a monster $275 million contract extension with the Bengals, a deal that will run through 2029.
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