Can you save Sebastians sister, Anne, from her curse in Hogwarts Legacy?

As you make your way through the Hogwarts Legacy narrative and NPC quests, you will learn more about some of your classmates and companions in the game. The Sebastian Sallow plotline in Hogwarts Legacy is rather tragic and does not exactly end on a positive note for the Slytherin student.

As you make your way through the Hogwarts Legacy narrative and NPC quests, you will learn more about some of your classmates and companions in the game.

The Sebastian Sallow plotline in Hogwarts Legacy is rather tragic and does not exactly end on a positive note for the Slytherin student.

As you progress through the questline and learn more about Sebastian and his family, you will eventually come to learn about his sister, Anne, who is afflicted with a curse. Sebastian breaks every rule in the Hogwarts school books and takes your help when sneaking into the library’s restricted section to search for cures in order to save her.

This NPC quest line has left many players wondering if they will eventually be able to cure Anne from her curse the further they progress in Sebastian’s side narrative.

Unfortunately, players will not be able to save Anne's life. However, they will be able to save Sebastian from spending the rest of his life in Azkaban.

Anne will forever remain with her curse in Hogwarts Legacy

As Sebastian’s story progresses in Hogwarts Legacy, players will eventually discover that he has invested a fair amount of time learning Dark Arts to lift Anne’s curse. This pursuit will eventually lead him to learn all three Unforgivable curses of Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio.

When the “In the Shadow of Time” quest kicks off, Sebastian uses the Imperius Curse to save his sister from a Goblin. After he uses an Unforgivable Spell, he eventually gets disowned by his uncle Rockwood and is also banished from his home.

Upon investing more time in his quests, players will then reach a mission called “In the Shadow of the Relic,” where Sebastian's incessant use of the Dark Arts will lead to the rise of the Inferi. Players will be required to defeat them.

Once they are dealt with, Solomon Rookwood will appear again. This will lead to a cutscene where Sebastian dispatches him instantly by using the Avada Kedavra killing curse. However, this will also come at a cost, and Anne will forever stop thinking fondly of her brother.

Players will then get a choice to either turn Sebastian in or stay mum about the incident. If Sebastian is reported, he will be taken to Azkaban as a prisoner, and if players choose to spare him, he will remain in Hogwarts.

Irrespective of players' choices, Anne will continue to suffer from her curse in Hogwarts Legacy. It is one of the more tragic NPC questlines in the game, which ends well for no one, unfortunately.

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