5 wildly popular Stray Kids star Han hairstyles

Stray Kids' Han is a phenomenal rapper and songwriter, but his fashionable looks are equally noteworthy. Members of the hit boy band are well-known for their stunning visuals and fabulous outfits, and their creative hairstyles play a major role in that.

Stray Kids' Han is a phenomenal rapper and songwriter, but his fashionable looks are equally noteworthy. Members of the hit boy band are well-known for their stunning visuals and fabulous outfits, and their creative hairstyles play a major role in that.

Like most K-pop idols, Stray Kids' members don't shy away from a dramatic hair moment, and Han is popular for sporting some gorgeous hairdos with fun hair colors and even hair glitter.

Stray Kids' Han loves to experiment with different hair colors to add intrigue to his looks

1) Layered dirty blonde hair

Blonde looks great on the Stray Kids member, so his dirty blonde hair color was an instant hit with STAYs. Han rocked a choppy hairdo that was equal parts edgy as it was stylish. The hairstyle featured lots of layered locks, which gave it a highly textured look.

To achieve this look, one will need some hair gel to give the hair a wet look. Instead of going in with a brush or comb, use your fingers to style your hair as you would like. Han kept his hair at medium-length for this hairdo, which helped him create choppy bangs at the front, giving the look an edgy touch.

2) Long platinum blonde hair

Platinum blonde is a gorgeous hair color, and Han made it more fun with his choice of hairstyle. He kept his hair long for this hairdo, which ensured a nice contrast with his trimmed sides and back. Moreover, the light-to-dark transition was blunt, which gave the look a bold structure.

The rapper styled his hair in soft waves to give it more volume. He paired it with an off-center parting, which beautifully highlighted his dark roots, contrasting with his super light hair. As a finishing touch, the Stray Kids member styled his bangs to curl away from his face, framing and highlighting his dark eye makeup look.

3) Brushed down long hair

This hairstyle gave Han a fresh and youthful look, as the soft wispy hair added some major volume to his hairdo. The rapper went with an almost-undercut hairstyle and kept his sides and back trimmed short. Moreover, brushing his hair downwards gave him the boy-next-door appeal, making this hairdo ideal for an off-day look.

It is quite easy to replicate this look, as brushing down the bangs is all one needs for this hairstyle. You can opt for heat styling if you would like to add texture to the hairdo. Soft waves and curls are a popular choice for a casual yet chic look.

4) Long black hair

The Stray Kids member has naturally black hair, and looks absolutely stunning in his natural hair color. For this look, Han went with a headband to stylize the hairstyle even further, but one can go without it if they want an everyday look.

The rapper sported a wet look for this hairdo, which one can achieve with the use of some hair gel. For styling, he went with curling his hair inwards to give it more volume. He did the same with his bangs too, creating the trendy C-shaped bangs. The C-shaped bangs beautifully frame the face while also highlighting the facial features.

5) Multi-colored hair with hair glitter

The rapper's multi-colored hairdo was fabulous and is perfect for special occasions. When one wants to be the star of the show, this hairdo is exactly what they need. The highly structured, creative hairstyle looked stunning on Han as he paired it with an equally dramatic red suit.

A straightener, hair chalks, hair glitter, and some hair wax are some of the hair styling products one would need to get this look. Begin by straightening the hair and using some hair wax to secure the styling. Then go in with hair chalks for the vibrant color, and follow it up with hair glitter. Han went with a black base, but you can opt for a lighter hair color to make this look even more dramatic.

Stray Kids' Han loves to play around with different hair colors to keep his style fresh and interesting. While hair colors might be a great addition to one's look, it is essential to have a proper haircare routine to avoid dryness and frizz.

A hydrating shampoo, a conditioner specially made for colored hair, and a hair mask that deeply nourishes the scalp are a few basic products one must have to keep their hair looking nice and shiny. With this haircare routine, one can enjoy healthy scalp and hair as they try different hairstyles sported by the Stray Kids member.

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